Thursday, December 31, 2009

First day of year 2010

This is the first time i spend my New Year alone. But even if i were to be in Singapore, i would likely be by the tv because basically i hate crowds. Sometimes i realize my friends have a way with their words which really warms my heart. That day when i reported to a few that i have arrived safely back to Arizona, to my surprise, Peggy and Eleanor responded almost immediately. What peggy had always mentioned to me is that I will always be missed or remembered fondly by many in Singapore. Such caring and thoughtful words melt my heart.

There is something which i always seemed to forget to ask of my friends that: What do you see in me that makes you want to keep me as a friend? What was your first impression of me? Not that i would change my personality or character if i had the answers but i am always on the move of becoming a better person. Despite my impulsiveness and carelessness, all my shortcomings are accepted by these long-time friends that i would really want to change for the better so as to be worthy of their friendship. Mr Tan SH's generosity is something that i wish i can return soonest possible too.

Was glad that i was on the early flight back to arizona, this will 'hinder' any friends to send me off! Though i know mum cried already that morning in the house and i could see she and my sis missed me badly when sending me off. Afterall, we had been living together since i was born, 骨肉相连,how not to be sad that we are more than 9100 air miles away?

By the time i returned to singapore this december which is something i really look forward to. Hopefully all my friends will not chuck me aside...

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

So who says teachers aren't tactful?

What a teacher says and what he/she really means.

1. Your son has a remarkable ability in gathering needed information from his classmates.
Really means: He was caught cheating on a test.

2. Karen is an endless fund of energy and vitability.
Really means: The hyperactive monster can't stay seated for five minutes.

3. Fantastic imagination! Unmatched in his capacity for blending fact with fiction.
Really means: He's definitely one of the biggest liars I have ever met.

4. Margie exhibits a casual, relaxed attitude to school, indicating that high expectations don't intimidate her.
Really means: The lazy thing hasn't done one assignment all quarter.

5. Her athletic ability is marvelous. Superior hand-eye coordination.
Really means: The little creep stung me with a rubber band from 15 feet away.

6. Nick thrives on interaction with his peers.
Really means: Your son needs to stop socializing and start working.

7. Your daughter's greatest asset is her demonstrative public discussions.
Really means: Classroom lawyer! Why is it that every time I explain an assignment she creates a class argument.

8. John enjoys the thrill of engaging challenges with his peers.
Really means: He's a bully.

9. An adventurous nature lover who rarely misses opportunities to explore new territory.
Really means: Your daughter was caught skipping school at the fishing pond.

10. I am amazed at her tenacity in retaining her youthful personality.
Really means: She's so immature that we've run out of diapers.

11. Unlike some students who hide their emotion, Charles is very expressive and open.
Really means: He must have written the Whiner's Guide.

12. I firmly believe that her intellectual and emotional progress would be enhanced through a year's repetition of her learning environment.
Really means: Regretfully, we believe that she is not ready for high school and must repeat the 8th grade.

13. Her exuberant verbosity is awesome!
Really means: A mouth that never stops yacking.

So who says teachers aren't tactful?

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


I thought i would be stronger and will no longer tear until i dropped Eleanor at the pheonix international airport. Afterall we are going to meet again real soon for my return home trip is just a few days later. However, slight trickle of tears still skimmed past my eyebrows whilst i was stuck in a traffic jam on the highway back to home. I was real weary after our long trip from seattle and have caught a slight usual winter flu. Maybe my whole emotional affair is just a wallow of self-pity that i would be alone again. Sometimes i am afraid i will not pull through my stint in the states and would even dreamt that i cannot keep my head held high when i return to hometown for good.

On the other hand, i was afraid that with each depart, i would no longer feel the 'unwillingness to part' because that would mean i am turning cold-blooded. So perhaps all the emotional turns are good signs, i am still human after all.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Oak Creek 17 Oct 09

Oak Creek, Coconino national forest, Arizona

Monday, November 02, 2009


1. “故作浪漫”的老毛病又再度复发,我这“绝症”总在我独处时、或是观赏凄美爱情影片时又神不知鬼不觉地来到我心中。其实秋天是生命来到了垂死挣扎,将要暂告的季节;我不是农夫,所以不懂得体会丰收。

2. 我又再度实现自己为自己许下的诺言,很有满足感,甚至感到世上无难事,只要慧群肯去动手做!嗤!只是又去山谷里徒步去了,有什么好炫耀的!故作玄虚?我想我可能不能孤独太久,也许我真的需要另一个与我有相同兴趣,臭味相投的伴侣。

1. 那部凄美的爱情电影刻画的是一个警探和验尸官的故事。验尸官得了罕见的头痛症,甚至会丧命的那种。警探和她探查的那宗案子就发生在一块印第安人的圣地中,那里藏了一具数百年来的印第安人化石,同时也找到了治疗不治之症的秘方。她深信在那一块印第安人数百年的传统医疗法和圣地才可以使她病好。这药方有五大要求:其一,水;其二,陶瓷碗(印第安圣人所用);其三,神圣之地;其四,爱情;其五,爱你的人必须牺牲自己。是的,最后警探拔抢了,验尸官的头痛症烟消云散。





Thursday, October 15, 2009

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

washington DC, 7 oct 09








Maryland Chesapeake & ohio canal 8oct09

glimpses of autumn

Maryland, US, start of autumn

The holocaust museum, DC, Oct09

This is the day when i lost my appetite for lunch, it seldom happens especially when i am on a holiday.

As i was walking from the Smithsonian metro station, Washington DC, i knew in my guts that i will make it this time to the holocaust museum. I didn't make it the day before because it closed at 3pm for which i felt is definitely 'unbecoming' of a museum. A museum, i felt, rightfully should close at 6pm for the least. I could only be grateful they will let us in at 5.20 before 'chasing' us out at 5.30pm.

As ambitious as always, i planned to visit the Air and Space museum which is nearby after this. However, i didn't make it for i spent almost 3 hours, practically reading almost every placard, signage, photograph caption and video in this museum. I never regretted it, especially when i see the descendants of the Jews and the old ladies who teared in the museum upon seeing the genocides and attrocities of war that can turn humans into heartless creatures. Though in black and white, the photographs and videos that depicts the cruelty and reality of the holocaust is haunting, it is nauseating to just think of food then even though i know it is time for lunch. When i came to the part of the infamous T4 programme instigated by Hitler where hundreds of disabled and handicapped children were all killed by poison injection so as to keep the 'purity' of the german race, i had to fight back my tears and kept 'psychoing' myself that all these killings were begone, they would have rest in peace by now after 66 years. 

Luckily i was alone touring because i can spend as much time as i could in any place i want, i wouldn't want to miss this museum for anything and it had been a long time since a museum with such display can have this sort of impact on me, like what the Natural History Museum in London did ten years ago.

What disgusted me most are a few students averaging 11 to 12 who actually made a mockery of the museum's exhibits, i was looking out for the teacher to stop all these nuisance but in vain. They are definitely immature and childish to 'appreciate', the irony is, their actions spoke of more humanity than what the nazis have done to the human race. I do not know if i had studied history, will these exhibits of the holocaust be more meaningful and will it affect my feelings deeper, all i know now is i don't know will i step back into this museum again if i ever have the chance.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

普通的苹果树 不普通的快乐

上周六大清早到Oak Creek公园,靠近Sedona 去徒涉。那儿由于高山峻岭,因而景色有异于Sedona,比较酷似寒带地区的景致,虽然这个公园处在亚利桑那---这沙漠之洲较北部的地域,但只需从Sedona多驾半小时左右便到达。





Tuesday, August 25, 2009




现在一点小事就足以让我‘朝思暮想’:那晚Jess说她听到Ben告诉她一些有关我和他的事,我叫她不要告诉我是什么事,其实我在逃避,我很想知道但是我怕,我不敢面对,原来我在每个人面前竟藏不住我的情感,我太失败,彻底失败!当晚我真想立刻打电话找Johns,问他为什么把我对他说的话说给CP! 然后这些话又传到Ben和Jen,再传至Jess。都过了那么久,为什么他们还不断说我的闲话!我真的错信Johns, 把他当朋友,什么都说给他知道,他却如此信口开河,轻言传开,他一定是把我当笑柄!我为什么一错再错?为什么这么轻易相信人?我的弱点就是太容易心软,全世界的人如果都是我的朋友,我会很开心!所以只要对我有所关心,对我好,我便不由自主地会把他当朋友,什么都说给他听。 那么愚蠢、那么天真、那么没脑!我不甘心,我怕John把我告诉他的秘密都说给别人听,我好想警告他,但是我要怎么说,huiru不简单,若向她老公兴师问罪,万一处理不好,又是我的不对,他们俩不容易应付啊!我不能问Jess到底他们又传了什么事,因为我要面子,我需要维护我只剩下的那么少的尊严。

如果我有男朋友,也许这一切就不会发生。到底我有什么问题,为什么没有男人看上我,从年轻到现在,我真的那么令人讨厌?blog, 你能明白吗?我需要朋友,可是我找不到!如今又老又丑,更加难找好友!



Sunday, August 09, 2009



我承认我野心有时很‘勃’,像前晚我到基地去参与空军部队预庆新加坡44周年国庆,我主动地与许多只是片面之缘的人打交道。这举动对我而言简直是难如登‘山’(因为还不至于登‘天’这么难!),这可说不是慧群的作风,因为我自封自己是至少有百分之60患有自闭症的人。我想我那天晚上最得意的‘交友’之箭便是落在一个与我有类似相同兴趣--徒涉运动的新成员,Jean。然而我们‘八字还未一瞥’,我想我还是保守一些,可能她不一定喜欢我这种既冲动、啰嗦又鲁莽的女人吧!成人交友都多了份戒心,就是没有小孩那么敢爱敢恨,其实我多想年轻20岁,回到潇洒的青春时期,从头来过!要不就是像一位诗人所写的:离开地球一会儿,然后再回来重心开始。 多好的意境啊!

过去已成过去,虽然惋惜曾经与一些人近乎每天朝夕相对而后来却音信全无, 你我都有心病,终究不能成为密友,但是事实上,真正的朋友是不需要每天共处一室的,只要心中还惦记着、挂念着就已足矣。即使将来擦肩而过如同陌路人,那又如何?日子照样地过.....我这一生交往过的朋友虽不少,但是能否维持长久到与我晚年仍保持联络的会有几个,我不敢妄想。我心里真的很希望找到,至少能找到一个这样的好友,那该有多好!


友情爱情有都好,没有也罢!活着就是一种幸福,这些记者说得没错,‘看到你现在有的,没有的就别去看吧!’不知是不是单身及孤独太久,老是胡思乱想,我真的是无可救药, 哈哈....我要享受自由,因为难能可贵,不是每个人都有的!





Wednesday, August 05, 2009


The experience of crying for almost every episode of a TV show seems ridiculous until I watched ' One Litre of Tears'- a short Japanese drama introduced to me by Catherine. Based on true accounts of a 15-year old girl, who at the prime of her teen period, is unfortunately diagnosed with an incurable and rare disease- spinocerebellar degeneration. This disease will result in a person to not being able to walk, talk or eat in time, though with still a conscious mind for the least.

Never knew that such a cruel disease ever existed and that somehow when it happens, the disease usually finds its victim on the youth. As the drama unfolds, the main character, Aya, sees an active and athletic youth transforming to one who can on longer walk, I cannot help but cry buckets of tears. My empathy or sympathy with the 'degeneration' of her health increases with each episode. I simply cannot imagine a young girl like her can 'face' the disease with such great optimistism, for which if this should happen to me, i would likely have taken arsenic.

My tears are mostly shed for the strength she exhibited during her fight with the disease, perhaps even more when the warmth and care of her family and friends is showered upon her. The part where her high school classmates sang the song that she once took on stage with them on the day she decided to go to a disability school brings my streams of tears flowing again, these tears almost came to the point of 'gushing' out of my small eyes. As the story is based upon Aya's diaries till the day when she can no longer hold a pen, this episode unveils her writing: i awoke and i am truly happy, happy to be just alive. Alive...

Being alive each day is a gift and to give a smile or a caring gesture to those who always stand by you is even more of a great gift. Learning to treasure the littlest of all and being appreciative for what i have and for who i am, i owe it to Aya to rethink how insignificant and unfounded for some of my past troubles and worries were......

Wednesday, July 22, 2009






若将自己归类,相信我属于B, 我何尝不是一天心情大好犹如飞上天,翠日又心情跌到谷底;而且倔强得像头牛,一旦对一些事有了某种想法就坚持自己是正确的,无人能劝解。可是我绝对不能硬性地把自己完全归类为B,因为今天的我已不再向往那遥不可及的理想,也没有什么‘内涵’来高谈阔论。众人皆醉唯我独醒,有时候我是对的!我不是自大而是别人总以为我什么都不懂,我只是装不懂罢了!其他有关B的作风嘛,倒是真的,我就像个永远长不大的孩子。

Friday, July 10, 2009

Back To Teaching...... (2005)

Time flies! It's been a-year-half since I am back as a teacher! Tao Nan School is a SAP school, they said. I do not deny the kids here are more disciplined and well-behaved than the kids I taught in Pasir Ris Primary. However, I remembered having a class in Pasir Ris Primary whereby I could actually leave the class on their own for about 10 minutes with no mischief at all. So far, I have not been able to do that in Tao Nan School. Stress level is high here. When you expect a child in a gifted school will be able to do amazing stuff and 'stints' and 'stunts', I guess everyone will expect us as teachers to do wonders too! I am afraid that instead of adapting comfortably in this school, I am just coping...... If there is a chance for me to do something really different, instead of teaching and training, where I do not have to worry anymore about my bills and being a bread winner. I will not hesitate and go for it.

Bali Blues ( 9 Oct 2003)

Bali is a nice place to visit, I went there a few weeks ago with my sister.The main reason to go there is because I won the trip in a contest. Never won any contest or lucky draw stuff till recently, friends who heard are envy of me, afterall I am still luckier than them who had never won anything yet in their life. Afterall it is like one out of a million chance that you get to win anything but we just kept on trying, 4D, toto, etc......something in return which we will never need to work for. Back to Bali, the beach there doesn't beat any of those found in Phuket but still Bali has some of the friendliest people you can find. The bombing in Oct 12 last year was inhuman, the ruins are gone and is fast building up. Out on the streets around that area, I saw many poor balinese touting for business at tourists. Tourism is badly affected and less than half of the number of tourists visited Bali these days compared to the pre-bombing days. Life should be serene like those balinese living in the mountains, planting balinese rice. People are poor up there but they smile all the time, makes my day shine. A simple hello is all that the kids up in the mountains could say but 'hello' never sounded better. Balinese work hard and most are content with their simple lifestyle, we should learn to live like that. Changing our mindsets will see a reduction in the tired, glum faces 'dwelling' in MRTs and buses. When we chase for material gains, it is hard not to tread on someone else's happiness to achieve that. 9 Oct 2003

Jobless (25 sep 2003)

I do not write great poems or novelty essays. To pen thoughts down is no mean feat and I guess this happens to everyone once in a while. I am in that state...... Someone told me you need big dreams to drive yourself to success. I agree partly: we live on earth, not the moon, we all have limits. We may dream big but to reach for that peak takes time and occasionally by the time you realize "Oh, so that was my dream!", time has run out. But if I have a child, I will say, " Go for it! Think big before your age defies you!" Reality bites and is biting me hard now. I can never realize my dream now, it will always be a dream in my dreams...... Regrets and proscrastination engulf me from time to time and I know, in fact, everyone knows, these are bad. But who is there to say, I had never procrastinate, had never had any regrets. Afterall, I am a human being. The saying goes, " To err is human, to blame it on someone else is more human." I wish I can blame anyone for all my pessimistic thoughts but my left brain sends the signal that 'all these are your own doings'. Being jobless is not the end of the world, yet it is enough to create a bruise in my pride now. I wonder how I will feel if I suffer a retrenchment instead. I need more trouble waters in order to push myself to build a bridge. Yes, that's what I should do. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel......25th Sep 2003

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Live amenably?

Often times, this woman does not know what she wants exactly. She always seem to be living to be amenable, perhaps sometimes trying to please everybody too much. That is why people said, "she lacks character or there is a lacklustre of charisma in her and certainly not assertive enough...." By the way, she knows her weaknesses yet she still finds herself sitting on the fence many times simply because of a simple mindset-- to be as amenable as possible. Come to think of it, just what the heck is wrong with that? If many people were to live with that mentality, then maybe, maybe this world would be easier to live in, with less conflicts and misunderstandings.

However,  'pleasing the crowd' does not seem to bring happiness to her. All she ever wanted was to live happily, so much so that if only, if she can say this piece to the people around her, "Thank you for caring about me, thank you for not always telling me what is right and what is wrong because sometimes i just need to fall to learn that lesson. I have had enough of you people telling me what to do, whom to believe and where i should go." But cowardness obstructed her each and every time she wanted to do it.

This world is full of deceit and this woman have had just ample tastes of that eversince she came to adulthood. She wished she would never have to sound so despondent but the cruelty of this society just dampen her soul every now and then.

This woman also knows that she has to learn to get rid of all these negativity thoughts and live stronger than before because she knew that the world has never and will never spin for her......

Monday, July 06, 2009








Thursday, June 25, 2009




Thursday, June 04, 2009

Knowing somebody, knowing me

When i was young, no one taught me how to really know a person's character or personality. First impressions seemed to matter much and we were taught to be courteous and behave as a child should be. In my case, then i carried this notion with me, conforming to what the adults wanted us to be--obedient and respectful. Being naive, I have no qualms to whom i met and i trusted the whole wide world. As one grew older, you start to realize that this world is harsh and the tinge of 'cruelty in human' implants in your mindset. Well, that was what i deemed at times when i was a teenager. Reality bites as days gone by and the realization of betrayal happened from time to time. 

As an adult, when you think you know a person well, you begin to find fault, even at your own family members. Sometimes we tend to be less forgiving towards even the little minor fault of the person that you care about most. At the end of the day, we know that we have hurt each other so badly. Frankly, it is so hard to forget whoever did me wrong or the words they say that kept my nightmare going, i am still learning to forgive.....

Reaching 40 in 3 years' time, time waits for no man and i have yet to learn to know a person inside out. Sometimes i could not even tell if the person is a friend or a foe. I truly wanted to be able to trust totally to those i care, yet my past experiences deterred me from opening up. Often times, i say the things i never meant to say and hurt the people whom i never meant to hurt simply for the fact that knowing somebody is never easy for me. Do you know what i am trying to convey? Gosh, even i, am still searching for someone to tell who i really am..... 

Monday, June 01, 2009







Wednesday, May 27, 2009






Thursday, May 21, 2009






P.S. 若是在下无意间得罪了常阅览慧群博客的人儿,千万别把我当千古罪人,我慎重地向您道歉!

Friday, May 15, 2009


我又睡不着觉,无意发觉了朋友,落花者,的博克 .....我觉得她写得真好,年纪轻轻,文笔却胜我一筹,我甘拜下风。其实人生经验丰富,对人或事物也有敏锐的触觉,写出来的东西肯定有‘看头’。 很喜欢她其中一段:

‘ 那位朋友A和B先生是同一个宗教的教友。他们认识多年,从不讨论之间的关系。他们只是每一个星期见一次面,看看电影,吃吃饭。彼此从不谈及男女感情,更不必说谈婚论嫁了。




就因为相信缘分,所以我往往掏心掏肺地对待每一个与我相知的人,但为何我却总找不到知己,为何没有人真正了解我,甚至有人误会我、背弃我!我常把以前听的那首歌“把我的悲伤留给自己,你的美丽让你带走...'中的这句话作为我待人处事的规则,或许别人不知晓,便当我是有心计,想谋利什么。其实我try too hard了;我只是想要身旁的人快乐,就这么简单而已。被误解,我心如刀割,可是我还能怎样,我于是往好处想,学到了不再轻易相信任何人。然则这并不意味我就会轻易被打倒,也不会自暴自弃。因为我相信世界上一定还有像我一样等着、寻觅着的有缘人,如果给我碰上了愿意真正同我相识相知的知己,那我的人生就已经几乎完美!我等待这一天的到来,就只差缘分了,我仍然相信缘分......



Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Attitude is me!

Today I scolded a student for being attitude. He used to be one of my best like kids in Arizona and I felt hurt when he showed more and more disrespect to me. Is it because of the influence of being in US where individualism is predominantly rooted here? I am not quite sure but after my 10-minute worth of lecture, he showed tremendous 'improvement' in his attitude and even kept on asking questions. How powerful i can be in influencing these kids i really don't know, but i only know that for the rest of the lesson, i had a peaceful and wonderful time with these bunch of kids, the long-lost feeling of gratitude and satisfaction creeps back in again!

As the days go by for the past month, i enjoyed more and more being able to do 'whatever i want' in this other side of the globe. I used to question myself whether i can be single, now i can say 'YES!' I need friends but the thought of settling down still scares me, the thought of having a family still makes me shudder. All in all, i am selfish and have since a long while wanted to enjoy this kind of freedom. With no one telling me what to do, i have the freedom to go where i want and do the things i want to, no longer depending on others. This, i can say, is the true freedom, and it is finally here! Yes, even if RSAF wanted me to go on for another 2 years, i will do it! Yeap, sometimes having attitude problem is good! Thanks to this kiddo, he reminded me that i have attitude problem too!

Tuesday, May 05, 2009







Thursday, April 30, 2009








     信里的内容 :妈,我打算下个月和樱子结婚。

简析: 虽浪漫但却不失真实感的一篇小小说,一句话“珍惜现在拥有的一切”。

Friday, April 24, 2009






Tuesday, April 14, 2009



如今幕然回首,那时也许只是我‘一厢情愿’吧! 她从未对我说我是她的知己,是我自己先向她说,也可说是很轻易地‘搬出’‘你是我的知己’这番话。踏入社会,我依旧单纯地认为工作上会遇到好友,总听人家说,同事之间不可能存在着真正的友谊,只要是我工作上比别人好,就不免招徕妒嫉,惹来白眼。朋友?难得呀!知己?不敢奢望!不愿面对但是事实摆在眼前。我的成功在他人眼里中好像是侥幸,说是我傻人有傻福。试问一个人侥幸的成功能有几回?我的文凭真能靠‘侥幸’而获得?那么老天爷也未免太偏心,太眷顾我了吧?华盛顿发现美洲大陆惹人妒忌,我能体会。


Tuesday, April 07, 2009




话说回来,很可能我的‘野心’相信常让周遭的人受不了,但这样的心态常促使我有勇气能独自面对,做一般别人不敢做的事,甚至让人望尘莫及、另眼相看吧!哈哈,这是我的assumption! 将我的野心化作人生的一种推动力,又有谁可以断定我这样的人生一定失败。嗨,想太多,这又是我的另一个缺点,还是安安稳稳地好好过生活才是最实际、才是寻求快乐的泉源...

Thursday, April 02, 2009


Time flies! Not the speed of my jogging definitely! But i never used to jog so frequently in my life and this habit of mine is actually cultivated over here right in Arizona. As i recall, it was Feb last year that i started jogging and what miserable short distances for the first few times! Alas, I am ashamed to mention it! However, after months of 'training', even if i do not jog for 2 to 3 weeks, i can still manage a 2.4 miles without stopping.

Tonight, it was a real breezy night at a fahrenheit of 54 coupled with the accompaniment of the half moon and the stars. Despite the fact that i still do not know exactly which is the north star, i still love 'browsing' across the skies once in awhile to catch the stars. Well who cares if i know the stars or not, i cannot be knowing everything in this whole wide world! One thing for sure, jogging, this little achievement of mine has kept me going and looking forward to almost every single night. This is one of the time i find peace and a relieve of stress especially during my preparation for the students' exams. Of course, there is more count to it, the fact that i slimmed down owes much credit to jogging. Yes, looking good is my motto in spite of me aging every day.

Somehow once again, tonight's jogging stimulates my bowels and i always find myself running faster and crinching at the same time when the sensation kicks in! Wonder if there are joggers out there who is in the same 'predicament' as i am! I would love to get to know them.....

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


目睹身边有许多迁就的例子, 有人为了让家庭幸福美满,于是迁就身边最至亲的人,就算不是自己喜欢做的事,为投其所好也好,心甘情愿也好,迁就成了无时无刻的‘工作’,无可厚非?更看到有的丈夫为迁就老婆,就算自己妻子无理取闹,也仍然笑脸迎人,能迁就多少就迁就多少,无怨无悔?谦让以后是否感情更深、两人彼此更珍惜对方?也许有人会说,这不叫迁就,这是爱、爱戴、爱护、爱惜.....什么都好,不都包括了迁就的成分吗?凡是都是各让一步,才能海阔天空嘛。


Saturday, March 21, 2009


今天又起得晚,所以韦玲叫我懒猪。11点半送她到了机场。向来不善于拥抱人的我还是表现出我的‘洋派’,拥抱了乖巧可爱的文茜,然后是韦玲!顿时我们俩都不敢正视对方,是尴尬也好,也是我要飙出眼泪也好,我很快上了车便头也不回地驾走!‘憎相会 爱别离 人生怎可能尽如人意’这歌词中有多少人会有如此般的感觉,至少我从没有,我恨离别然而天下有不散之筵席,我知道人生不可能尽如人意。回想过来,曾几何时,原来我们之间的友谊已经在岁月中无形地发展了,不知道她是否当时与我感同身受。




Thursday, March 19, 2009

surfer in ocean beach.AVI

a surfer surfing on mar09 in ocean beach of san diego, impressive cos the water is very cold

walking in heaven.AVI

Walking down Ocean Beach Fishing Pier in San Diego. So foggy that Catherine said we are like in heaven.

If only life can be like this

As i was strolling down the ocean beach fishing pier today in san diego, i have this sudden urge to come and settle here. I have always and kept telling myself that i am so fortunate to be able to tour this country whenever i have a break from my teaching. The scenic drive was like those winding roads in san francisco, cram yet exhilarating. 

Today is Wednesday, yet there is quite a substantiate number of people strolling on the beach and the pier. There were also a handful of surfers all clad in their wet suits riding on the waves. Having treaded on La Jolla beach this morning, i believe the waters is about 10 deg celsius here in ocean beach. How i wish i was one of them surfing on the strong and powerful waves of the mighty pacific ocean.

Due to the foggy weather today, the pier looks almost like the pathway to heaven, Catherine said. It is romantic and no wonder couples embraced themselves on the pier, soaking in a world of their own. Though we could not see far with the thick fog, we still enjoyed the walk on the pier and find our own peace within, for which, makes me ponder about life. Many times we do not know what lies in front of us, we thought the fog will disperse by late afternoon but it didn't. Somehow i didn't feel disappointed because we see a different view and perhaps even the people who went there could be feeling the same as we would. I would love to come back to the beaches of san diego, this could be because Singapore too have the similar beaches, i guess i am missing the sea again. Life is unexpecting, i have many memories and some are really tormenting and some makes me appreciate for what life is meant to be. Yes, if only life can be what i am doing now, to see the beaches and stroll down the pier with no qualms of worries or troubles, just peace...if only....

Sunday, March 15, 2009





Tuesday, March 10, 2009


过去不是一切都不堪回首的,至少我能借助以前的种种来警戒自己不再从犯。刚才跑步时,风涛涛,我忽然想起以前很喜欢挂在嘴边的话:“情缘的遇合如此微妙  无需排演和记忆 便使两颗心不期而遇” 尤记得那时的我很喜爱收集书签,这段话就是从我很多收藏中的书签看到的。美慧,如果你看到这一段,你一定会暗笑,笑我这傻女人,又在故作浪漫,故作深情款款,blur like sotong 吧?

Friday, March 06, 2009


That night as i watched 'Nim's Island', there was one part of the script that i can relate to. Nim asked her father,"What is courage?" "He said courage is the something that you learn and relearn in your life to do the things you want."

I have no lack of very encouraging friends who said that i am very courageous to live the way i am living now. Perhaps what i have is simply impulsiveness and a stubborn belief that i can overcome anything in this world!

Yet, for all those years when awareness sets in, something i have never had the courage to do is to tell those that i loved, "i have loved you all this time, did you ever notice me?" Is it because i have always shown my independency so much so that no one noticed that i need to be protected, i need to be showered with care and concern, that i am not as courageous as what i have portrayed. It's my own fault, actually, because opening up to people is not what i have always believed in and do, not even to the dearest people around me. Swallowing pain and sorrow seemed to be my forte a long time.

Yes, i still lack the courage to do alot of things. I am still learning or perhaps relearning, thinking and rethinking, to truly act upon my thoughts of especially what i should do in the near future or even tomorrow. Alas, am at LOSS again!

Life is too short for me to procrastinate and time will never stand still in terms of happiness. To unseal the 'courage' within me, it has got to be me...somehow...

Tuesday, February 24, 2009





Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Thursday, September 06, 2007 待飞的心


扪心自问,现在的教育制度也不完全是毫无可取的,至少它造就了我,引发了我现在的思想,懂得质问这个制度吧! 再过三个月我就能暂告这个恼人的教育制度,随心所欲,为所欲为,放浪无忌!随心所欲,为所欲为,放浪无忌......咳!我是痴人说梦话,自欺欺人啊!到了美国,我还是得向新加坡人报到,改变得了个鬼制度!最值得安慰的是,我真的能摆脱批改大批大批的作业和作文。上天果然在保佑我.....


有好些人说我笨,说我悲观,我默认,我的确不聪明,然而我就是不可能释怀,不知时间久了,我这个常得失忆症的家伙可否随即而淡忘呢?不,我可以原谅但不会忘记!纵使再好的朋友难道就有权利这么批判我吗? 阅览了好几个老师的blog,我觉得他们更悲观!这或许是我这个傻人的个人见解吧,因为真的很难见到所有的postings全是有关快乐的经历或事。 若是这样,这便不是人生!

Monday, February 09, 2009

What am i supposed to do?



To have a choice to stay in US, I guess there will be some who would say, "What are you thinking about? Stay lah!" But this will mean I would not be able to see my beloved family and friends for another 2 years. 两年说长不长,说短不短,一个人独自地过,并非易事。The worst is to face everything here alone is not a mean feat, sometimes i just hated to bother others and to let others think that i am lousy for not being able to handle things on my own. Loneliness is sometimes so so hard to bear, i know i won't die from it, 可是眼泪却不听使唤,心在抽噎. 这决定我绝对不能后悔,遗憾总会有的但我不能后悔。

Wednesday, January 14, 2009



每天告诉自己要‘寻开心’,但是却只一味地想,没有半点行动! 天啊,我真是大白天说梦话......‘被动是不可能得到幸福的’,这句话真该如此吗?难道没有转机,没有奇迹?

