Welcome to the sometimes nonsensical, dreaming, oops! memory fading site of KhOon. This is where I'm keeping all my stuff from now on, so come back whenever you want to see what's new. Feel free to post a reply if you see something you like or just want to get in touch. 谢谢‘光临’!欢迎随时留言。 photo link: http://picasaweb.google.com/huikhoon
Monday, October 08, 2012
Baby Steps
Ever since the gold investment with Genneva got into trouble, my second income with Genneva is on a stand still. I calmly and diligently did my job hunt and had never treated this matter in a frantic manner even though bad news seemed to pile up every single day. Being a tutor seemed to be the best career move for me at this point, however I still feel a grade lower than my counterparts who are the 'real' teachers in schools, this was said in a matter of fact by my student recently.
Most of my mornings are spent cracking my brains in chess with the slumber deity so I thought it will be more responsible of me to find some part time morning jobs.
Egoism does work itself into my job search mode. Being antisocial and dissociate, I shy away from jobs like receptionist,telemarketers, sales and jobs-alike that requires 'meeting people'. I look into administrative, home-based, basically jobs that require more handling of machines or pets. In this midst of unable-to-retire comfortably situation, I still refused to budge to return to a higher paid MOE teaching job for fear of my incompetence of handling a bigger number of kids. The mere thoughts of marking tons of essays still send a chill down my spine. This may sound ridiculous when I have been with the school system for more than a decade. At the moment, I still prefer to eat 'grass' than turn back to teaching in schools.
However the only thing I know is to teach and this hinders my job search. It is frustrating and irrefutable that I am so unqualified and too old for so many jobs. If I had hindsight back in my 20s, I would have probably tread on the information technology ground to seek a diploma instead of hankering for a degree in education.
'Success is never an accident.'
Perhaps my baby steps toward unearthing my ideal career path will lead me to another aspect of life? Who can tell....
Monday, September 24, 2012
Saturday, August 25, 2012
你是我的中华文化启蒙老师,你是我的政治敏感度启蒙老师,你是最疼我的舅舅!人生匆匆而过,我总是在失去以后才后悔,后悔没有多陪你度过这最后的余生,因为我以为你还能撑多至少3个月! 甚至我以为我还能看到你明年来到我们家吃团圆饭,没想到去年是我们和你最后的团圆饭,到广州医治鼻咽癌使你错过了今年的团员饭!
舅舅,我还没跟你学够中华文化,还没跟你讨教如何写好毛笔字,还没再度和你驾车到马来西亚游玩。三年在美国, 我回来时没有去找你,以为会有机会的。回来后也只是偶尔碰面,我以为还有大把时间,但是我们都被时间打败了。舅舅请你别怨我这个没心的外甥女呀!
Saturday, July 28, 2012
一晃过了这么多年,我对奥运会的热忱一如往昔。2008年的北京奥运应该是很精彩吧?可惜我第一次不再新加坡观看电视直播,由于是在美国亚利桑那,那里的电视转播不如新加坡,很多时候都在播游泳赛事,因为那年出现了Micheal Phelps。 于是我向来追捧的体操、跳水、排球等都无法观赏。
我的确梦想成为奥运运动员! 毫无疑问,我当然知道我是痴人说梦话或是酒醉的缘故才会脱口说出的话,这辈子我是不可能的啦。 可是如果有来世,如果能投胎再世为人,我要成为奥运运动员,就算是举重,我也想成为他们其中的一个!
对了, 刚才女子轻量级举重冠军归中国队......女排、沙滩排球、游泳、羽毛球怎么同时进行......糟糕,该看哪一项......
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Friday, February 10, 2012
Emotional baggage allowance
Recently, i watched this taiwan drama serial which typically builds around the plot of a love story of four. As the drama unfolds, it is almost predictable what the next scene will depict on. Then after a long struggle of the four-love triangle, there is a refreshing part portrayed by the grandpa character. He was giving advice to the second male lead. The grandpa was asked why he was willing to spend half his life waiting for his lover who had never returned since the day she left him. He described that the first emotions that he had was furious and anger. As months and years passed, he began to understand and he learnt to appreciate what he had before. His love turned to hatred, from hatred to relief of emotional baggage and finally from the emotional baggage release to self-awareness.
As i aged, this self-awareness occurs often more than i have expected and many friends that used to be so close have left me. I treasured those times i had with them and i know that it will never be the same again even if we meet and get together again. I owe no one and no one owns me, ultimately we will leave this world naked and we can bring no one. After all baggage allowance is always limited, it pays to have too much emotional baggage. So whoever i meet now, i leave it to fate to decree.
Wednesday, January 04, 2012
2012 世界末日?
2012 ...深...呼...吸...