Welcome to the sometimes nonsensical, dreaming, oops! memory fading site of KhOon. This is where I'm keeping all my stuff from now on, so come back whenever you want to see what's new. Feel free to post a reply if you see something you like or just want to get in touch. 谢谢‘光临’!欢迎随时留言。 photo link: http://picasaweb.google.com/huikhoon
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
A night's mare or dream?

After more than a decade, i rewatched today and found that my perspectives and reviews of the movie has slightly altered. I still love the show and my loyalty for Jack and Sally will perhaps only ceased on the day i die. Yes, Jack made a mistake for trying to be Santa Claus instead of the pumpkin king he used to be and for that he tried too hard and almost ruined Christmas. Thank goodness he realized his mistakes and managed to save Christmas. I applaud him for the sheer bravery by at least attempting to create Christmas in his halloween town. There are people in this world who must have been like him perpetually trying to do great and creating a difference. Wozniak Steve and Steve Jobs are such people who created affordable computers and formed Apple Inc. in the early 1990s. I recalled that when i first watched this movie, i took side with Sally and agreed that Jack should not attempt to create Christmas, for i always believed in women's hunches (still do now).
'What is meant to be is meant to be'. The truth in this statement still holds out for me but this should not halt our pathway to making a difference in this world. Until you try, you never know....for the least, i try...
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
要写出感人肺腑的东西不容易,如果生活中没有大起大落的经历或什么刻苦铭心、坎坷不堪的体验,写作的体裁就变得十分有限了。尤其是像我这种文笔so so的人,只能偶尔卖弄博客文笔、‘挥挥豪’,发泄一番娱人娱己罢了。
自从当了补习老师,生活变得十分单调,少了校园多姿多彩(过多)的生活,我耗在网路电视的时间也随之多了,因此也就提不起劲来写东西。由于生怕自己的语文水平会下降(现在教补习全是英文和数学,教华文补习费低嘛),便选择多看中国制作的电视连续剧。我特别偏好古装历史聚集, 一旦看上‘合意’的,便欲罢不能,每晚穷追着。此外,网路电视无广告,更是让我‘彻夜难眠’。看得内疚了,便换上运动服,到健身中心上上搏击和举重课,好让我这双劳苦功高的灵魂之窗歇歇片刻。不知像我一样的单身贵族是否也有如此般多余的空档用网路电视的节目来‘买醉’。
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
原来人到中年的我不是那么没用的,我还能跟得上这些二十几来岁的年轻一辈。 从一开始的一个小时直至现在我已能支撑两小时的举重和搏击课程,对我这个不适太激烈运动的‘安啼’虽有些威胁性但仍旧应付得来教练苛刻的魔鬼训练,我心底多少是有满足感的。 比上不足,比下有余。当年一天内征服大峡谷12英里的长途跋涉,如今这两小时的汗流浃背真的不算什么!咳,好汉还是不提当年勇吧.....
Monday, July 18, 2011
Rich and Poor person's thoughts
Rich people say" Cash flow, assets, depreciation! Money doesn't make you rich. Portfolio and passive income makes us rich!" They make money work hard for them.
----Robert T Kiyosaki
I love passive income...
Friday, July 15, 2011
Fickle-minded dreams
Nothing wrong with that small dream, really. Just that at the twitch of an eye, i changed my dreams again at sweet 18. i went through the torment of my dream guy not even noticing a 170m tall earnest girl standing right in front of him, foolishly waiting that seemed like eternity for him to make the first move.
The first moves were made alright--by the talented pretty babes fluttering before him that he could not take his eyes off. He was rich, lived in a bungalow, played the piano, scored big at A levels ...... Maybe i should get wealthy too and bring my status on par with him so that his eyes could just stay for one more second on me. Cowardice rears my predictable head, nothing happens between us, of course what was i thinking of!? i should have given up on that dream long ago. i know my cottage dream is too feeble which resulted in being chucked aside and brought out from time to time upon seeing some light at the end of the tunnel.
In the flick of an eye, here i am, still groping for some light to guide my life. Something or someone or some form to relit my dreams in this mid-life term of my existence. Will my turning point come before i reached 50? Will there ever be?
I need dreams, not nightmares, sweet big dreams...... cottage with white roses... a VW beetle... a mountain bike...a mountain to climb....to dream or not to dream......ficklemindedness happens!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Sunday, April 17, 2011
不干了! 我做对了吗?
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Turmoil mind
Sometimes i really do not understand myself and what i want, the worrisome thoughts is so overwhelming that i wish i can go back in time and start all over again to relive, rekindle and recollect my life. I know that time and tide waits for no man, that i could end up as a pauper if i quit teaching. Still, even knowing that does not deter me from tendering my resignation once more to the ministry to prove to myself for the last time that i do not need to work for a system which i have endured and disliked for over 10 years. I did it once and now i have to make it twice. Am i proud of it? Alas! Not true! I have not regretted the first time i did it and i do hope i do not this time round again...
I have given my youth to teaching in the primary schools since 1997 and when i look back at what i have done and contributed, it makes me shudder. Not with great pride but my conscience is clear that i have given enough, much more so that i do not even mind if i cannot have a proper job waiting at hand when i come to my last day of service.
What I worry is that i might even have to live on cup noodles if i could not get a fix income. This makes me feel insecure because i have been sheltered for so long in this comfort zone but i know i have to get out of this dead water before i am caught dead in it. I just need to 'psycho' myself that i have to live my life as it comes and to get out of this mid-life crisis as soon as possible. Friends tell me that it is hard to get out of teaching, is there really no miracle? I am not afraid of living alone for the rest of my life but i need a stable career because this will get me to face total loneliness in the future in ease without the woes of monetary matters. Fairy godmother, wherefore art thee? What should i do now?
I wish i can be as strong as the Japanese, even they who lost their homes to tsunamis and earthquakes are not relenting. So on what grounds do i have to even lament!
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Wednesday, February 02, 2011
Motivation deficiency
It was not so bad that i could not have time to write blog eversince i returned to hometown. The motivation and enthusiasm to do anything seemed to have vanquished the moment i stepped back into the tropical soils. I have not jogged for almost 2 months since i came back, with the excuses of hot humid weather and that the scenery had changed at the back of my mind. I have since turned back to what i was--lethargic and lack of initiation before i left for U.S. because i was never truly happy and satisfied living in Singapore.
Sometimes i even wonder if i was a true Singaporean for the fact that i always have this 'look-down' notion in everything from policies to livelihood eversince i was mature enough to judge this society. Presently, this 'notion' is even more eminent now that i have returned to the same old working style of teaching in the neighbourhood primary school again. Working long hours in the school under MOE system is not a real problem to me since i am single( the society deemed this to be fit for singles!). It is the lack of freedom to teach and say that irks me; it is the 'obedience' of Singaporeans that is prominent in the education line that crushes me; it is my deficiency of courage at getting out immediately of this system that i possess now which dampens my spirit everyday.
I do not know exactly what i should be seeking in my career path and that writing CVs seemed to be the correct way to change my viewpoints. Besides, this is the only way i know and running away seems to be innate in my traits for all these years. I do not perhaps have another 39 years and am sick of being obedient, have i...... americanised?