Saturday, February 16, 2008


最近日未落 月已升

念乡有余 情绪升温

交错、复杂 好比繁星

然则天空是空的 冷冰冰



愿 偶日商房踪

                                                                   16Feb2008, 屋子前院的月亮

Hikes at White Tank Mountain, 2 Feb 08,Arizona

Went for a short talk on venomous snakes and insects by a mountain ranger, very refreshing. Then did 2 hikes with Honnie and family, one is at night which is rather romantic and the trail is lit by candles in paper bags! The other one is the waterfall hike, though the waterfall is not that fantastic though. The campfire is nice too, accompanied by a soothing voice of a cowboy singer with his guitar, free marshmallows too skewed and bbq over the campfire. First ride on a hay ride pulled by a truck too.